An Emotional Manifestor (Human Design)

I’ve been experimenting with the Human Design system on and off for about 3 years. Initially, it was way too much info and jargon to wrap my mind around. And then in increments, I would get pulled back in. It would come up in conversation with a friend or I would run into a post and then it would remind me, perhaps something’s there for me. And whatever is happening in my life, an HD message finds me and helps me with a struggle, tremendously actually.

I get it now, I’m not supposed to get it all at once. I get more of it when I need, I dive in just a tad deeper each time, bit by bit.

Very recently, I had a major business related decision that needed to be made and although it didn’t go as planned, I actually felt that I made the right choice. Experimenting with my Emotional Authority as a Manifestor, and having to integrate that with my defined Spleen is hecka confusing yet it feels like home. I’ve always felt that I get intuitive hits yet I’ve also trusted my way of long introspection to make decisions. And it’s like, I ask “Do I trust my gut or do I trust my ability to really feel into something and have deep introspection before deciding?” it seems to me that I actually should be trusting both and if I am at peace and in a calm state and I need to make a decision, and the gut says yes or no, I better trust that shit. Now if I’m in an overly positive/negative state, then I should be sure to not make any decisions and wait it out. This is what I’m currently experimenting with.

The past months I’ve been practicing the strategy of Informing. Basically I just tell people that I am going to do something, I am not asking for permission nor for an opinion. Once I’ve decided to do something, idgaf and I will do it regardless of anyone’s 2 cents. Life-changing. Mostly when I get spikes of energy, I just let them know, I’m in my urge, let me be. Don’t ask questions, don’t look at me, just pretend that I don’t exist. I’m creating. Do not disturb is written on my forehead. And I land back down & need my snacks🥰. It’s been such a game changer operating this way. Both for me and people around me. Life’s way smoother. No longer staying small. I’m taking up my space. Get in or GTFO. 😘